Multi-component barrier layers include formation of a GaAs layer and at
least one adjacent GaAsN layer. The resulting multi-component barrier
layer shape can provide enhanced (extended) offset for capture of holes
and enhanced electrons. Other benefits include: a small amount of strain
compensation; poorer spatial overlap of higher confined states reducing
parasitics at high bias, with some small effect on the lowest confined
states. Quantum wells and associated barriers layers can be grown with
combinations of gallium, (Ga), arsenic, (As), nitrogen (N), aluminum
(Al), antimony (Sb), phosphorous (P) and/or indium (In) placed within or
about a typical GaAs substrate to achieve long wavelength VCSEL
performance, e.g., with wavelengths over 1200 nm. Layers of strained
quantum well material can also be supported by mechanical stabilizers.