The present invention relates to microelectode arrays (MEAs), and more
particularly to carbon nanotube nanoelectrode arrays (CNT-NEAs) for
chemical and biological sensing, and methods of use. A nanoelectrode
array includes a carbon nanotube material comprising an array of
substantially linear carbon nanotubes each having a proximal end and a
distal end, the proximal end of the carbon nanotubes are attached to a
catalyst substrate material so as to form the array with a pre-determined
site density, wherein the carbon nanotubes are aligned with respect to
one another within the array; an electrically insulating layer on the
surface of the carbon nanotube material, whereby the distal end of the
carbon nanotubes extend beyond the electrically insulating layer; a
second adhesive electrically insulating layer on the surface of the
electrically insulating layer, whereby the distal end of the carbon
nanotubes extend beyond the second adhesive electrically insulating
layer; and a metal wire attached to the catalyst substrate material.